My topic is a strange one, there is no doubt about it. why I chose it, some of you may ask? It’s simple: these are the two things apart from religion and politics people are most uncomfortable to talk about in a cocktail or a crowded room.

Tell someone that you’re a doctor and nobody minds. Tell them you’re a parapsychologist and they immediately look at you with slight disdain and contempt.

Psychic phenomenon has always perplexed me and I have witnessed a few cases of such activity, too often to be considered coincidence and too personal to be shrugged off as a charlatan. I speak indeed of my family. Several members of my family have demonstrated the classical ‘ESP’.

The rest of my family however has labelled them as ‘crazy’ or ‘eccentric’. They shirk away irrefutable proof and simple choose not to believe. This kind of behaviour to me is the stupidest, because they are hypocritical. They can choose to believe in a nebulous entity who presented with a universe full of galaxies, planets and solar systems, decided to choose only our planet to give life to, yet they cannot give credence to a highly intelligent girl’s extra sensory perception?

I’ve seen the fine line which moves between possession and mental illness. For the untrained eye, a mental patient may seem as if they are possessed by some malevolent spirit. They speak in different voices, they have fits, they are violent and difficult to control. This is, often times, the result of schizophrenia or a dis-associative personality disorder.

I’ve spoken to a prominent parapsychologist and he has helped me to clear up the confusion between spiritual/demonic possession and mental illness. Possession always seems to leave some form of residue, it always marks the host body. The human body is not adapted to hold several sentient consciousnesses, so it fights back. A mentally ill person will have no such residues.

There are cases however which are impossible to discern for the mentally ill person presents a religious psychosis and believes they are possessed: this is when the real challenge arises. I chose this topic merely to be able to toe this fine line and live in between these two misunderstood worlds.

For me, it is fascinating!



This image is what I will use to represent me. It is a low key photo, with harsh shadows and light facets. It represents a lot to me, such as the duality of human nature or the the vast amount of unexplored place humans have not ventured. The human mind for example is still the greatest mystery to us. The small part we think we understand is the light side, the rest of it is hidden in darkness.

This photo I use to represent the conflict within me: the balance I seek to find within the confines of my mind.

I’m going to give an exaggerated introduction of myself.

My name is Kenny, I’m a passionate individual who lives life to the fullest. I believe in experimenting, experiencing and making an impression. This is a personal biography whereby I shall give you a brief insight into my weird and colourful lifestyle and mind. This is for academic purposes, as it forms part of my Web publishing module. (Our lecturer looks like a bollywood actress!! :O)

I’m 23 and I’m a poet and debutant parapsychologist. I maintain a blog and website which showcases my work! ( I spend most of my time balanced between university life, internet and the beach. I’m hungry for knowledge and spend my time reading everything that comes to hand, be it random facts or nuclear physics, I like to be informed.

I have undertaken quite a few things in my life, to try and fulfill myself. I have been a teacher, a fighter, an artist, a singer, a poet and a student. I believe we are on a never ending cycle to achieve our full potential.

Thank you for taking time to read my random ramblings, I hope to catch you reading my next posts!!